Meet the Gang


Essie the Scania Electric Truck

Say hello to Essie, a fabulous Scania electric truck ⚡
Essie is a smart, strong, fun and is also passionate about keeping our planet green! Her name is a play on in the country acronym and domain extension for Sweden, SE, and as Scania originates from Sweden, the name, Essie (SE) seemed like a clever way to incorporate the connection.

As the newest member of the cast of characters, Essie brings a spark of energy and a whole lot of fun as she helps teach important lessons about sustainability and caring for our planet. She is delighted to join her bestie, Vabis, and to meet all of the other Vroom-Town trucks. She is looking forward to showing them more fun ways that they can help the environment!

Vabis the Scania Truck

Vabis is a wonderful Scania truck who has lots of cool technology and is very clever. He is also very popular because he is caring and kind. Vabis got his name from the origins of Scania, the global truck and bus manufacturer, headquartered in Sweden. The company used to be called Scania-Vabis, but the Vabis part of the name was dropped in 1968. I thought it would be a nice ‘nod’ to the history of Scania to call the new truck Vabis! Vabis is now excited to spend time with all of his friends in Vroom-Town.

Vabis the Scania Truck

Tang Arnold

Tang Arnold O’Truckass is a large American truck. He is known as TA or Tang Arnold for short. He has large monster wheels, stacks and looks very different to the trucks that live in Vroom-Town! However, he is a very friendly truck with big wheels and a big heart! Proving that even though someone looks a little different, we are all the same. Tang Arnold doesn’t take any nonsense and is very capable of defending himself should the need arise. He also loves being with his friends.


Daisy is a strong, clever, quite opinionated truck! If she sees something wrong, she is never too scared to speak out. She always tries to do the right thing and is very fair. Daisy is also fun to be around and is very popular in Vroom-Town



BullyDozer is a mean piece of machinery who causes mischief wherever he goes! He can be mean to others and enjoys making fun of everyone. BullyDozer loves the fact that all of the trucks are scared of him. He is the only one who lives in Quentin’s Quarry. His best friend is Terrible Terry.

Terrible Terry

His real name is Terry but the other trucks in Bill Byrne’s yard call him Terrible Terry because of the terrible things he does. He is always plotting and planning – he tries to cause chaos wherever he goes! Terry really is a terrible truck! His best friend is BullyDozer and when together, they are extra mean to the other trucks in the yard.



Sparkle is Screech’s cousin and best friend. She is always kind and loves a giggle. Although she is pink and sparkly, she is very, very clever! All of the other trucks love her! She brings a bit of ‘girl power’ in Vroom-Town!
Trevor the Tractor Unit
Trevor has lots of friends in Vroom-Town. He works very hard at his job but enjoys having lots of fun with his friends! He is a kind and caring truck.


Screech is a young tipper truck. He is called Screech because every time he goes around a corner, his brakes make a screechy sound! But don’t worry, they still work! He is fun loving and enjoys hanging out with the bigger trucks in the yard. Everyone loves Screech!


Fergus the Ferry

Fergus spends most of his time out at sea – transporting trucks to and from different countries. He enjoys meeting lots of different trucks from different countries. Fergus is very friendly and bubbly. He always has a ‘Toot Toot!’ for all of his friends!

Tim The Tipper

Tim is a well-respected tipper. He is the unofficial leader of Bill Byrne’s yard. All of the trucks look up to him and come to him for advice. He never panics in a crisis and is a calming influence.


Theo the Tipper

Theo is an older resident of Vroom-Town with a great personality. He has been living in the yard for years. He is a quiet, kind truck but is very hard-working.

Nozzle - Noz to his friends

Nozzle, but his friends call him Noz is an extraordinary character! If you have a mechanical problem or need a top-up of diesel, he has all the tools and bits and bobs to help! Noz is technically minded and loves helping everybody. He makes sure everyone is in tip-top condition!

Bill Byrne

Bill Byrne

Bill owns the truck yard and is the boss. He is a kind-hearted, hard-working gentleman. He looks after his trucks very well. The trucks love working hard for him (except Terrible Terry!) and they really enjoy living in his yard.


Quentin owns the Quarry in Vroom-Town. He is a solid member of the community and is well respected by the trucks.

Craig the Crusher

Craig the Crusher

Craig is a gentle soul. His main job is crushing big boulders in Quentin’s Quarry. He enjoys his work and is very good at it.

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