Happy World Book Day 2021!
It has arrived… Happy World Book Day! Over the last 24 years, World Book Day has become firmly established as Ireland’s biggest annual event promoting and encouraging children to explore the enjoyment of books and reading. Your friends in
are delighted to be celebrating this special day – for a sneak preview of the exciting Vroom-Town books, click here: http://vroom-town.ie/our-books-the-adventure-of-vabis…/And don’t forget, the CombiKids book! Follow the wonderfulCombiliftcharacters in a story full of adventure and superpowers!! https://combilift.com/combikids/ A great way to encourage girls and boys alike to read on this wonderful day of celebration! #WorldBookDay #VroomTownSupportingWorldBookDay #CelebrateBooks #VroomTownBooks #CombiKidsBook #ReadingForFun #GiftOfReading #GuaranteedIrish